
What Will The Smart Headphones Of The Future Look Like


Designers are tired of the bluetooth headphones on the market. As a smart, social headset, Muzik wants to do more. It uses Shazam-like audio recognition to know what song you're listening to. Plus, if you're using Pandora to listen to music, it's easy to share links on social networking sites.

You can customize every button on the headset and they are also simple apps. You just click the button of the program you want and select a preset function from the list. Muzik also plans to release an SDK where developers can add their own features.

Maybe you think these features are gimmicks. They're small improvements, but think about it, you can share the music you're listening to without touching the headphones, and the headphones automatically use your phone to send tweets. Muzik's focus is on social sharing rather than deeper customizability and sound settings.

But it still ran into some trouble. The audio quality of the Muzik headphones isn't superlative, plus it's for the price. Both low-end and mid-range headphones are lethargic, but on the plus side, the Muzik is much better than them. In fact, Muzik's biggest challenge isn't about the headset's quality: it's about the lack of sharing on social networks. Do you listen to music recommended by your friends?

The social network operator is one of Muzik's main investors. They've been trying to create a true "Instagram" style of music. Designers integrate music-related services to make them easier to share, save, and adapt to your and your friends' tastes.

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